May 14, 2009

I wish that I was looking into your eyes.

Just got back from the movies. Watched Angels and Demons, a movie based on the book by Dan Brown (who also wrote The DaVinci Code). It was actually a nice movie I would say. The plot was good, the actors were good (especially Ewan McGregor-me like!), Tom Hanks wasn't too bad reprising his role as Professor Robert Langdon. So yes, I wouldn't wanna be "cheong hei" and give the summary or what nots cos' you guys probably already know or maybe read the book. Oh btw, I haven't read the book yet, so my opinion bout' the movie is purely based on the movie itself, with no co-relation to the book. LOL:D

I'm not really sure if the movie has a lot of religious contradictions or anything but it is rather deep in that sense, as it focuses around the Vatican and Pope and some politics. Mainly focusing on the Catholic religion. Yea. But no worries, it's easy to understand once you get the hang of it! (: Oh oh, and it's also awesome cos' it's obviously a very VERY BIG budget-ed film. Lotsa stuffs happening and hi-tech stuffs too I would say (: Definitely worth the RM11 ticket :D

Anyways, bottom line is- go watch it if you like some action, suspense and maybe just take in the sights of Italy and the pretty churches/cathedrals/St. Peter's square- basically the architecture. It's actually quite breath taking. Me wants to go there sometime in the future! Bring me anyone? :P

xoxo, elvyna.

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