February 26, 2008

Orientation- Day 2

Had First Aid training today. It was really fun. Chanel was one of the seniors who taught us juniors how to do First Aid but sadly, wasn't the one for my group. Training Session 1 was great. I had to check the carotid pulse of this guy lying as a dummy on the floor and i left fingerprint marks on his neck! hahaha. oops:) Had to do some abdominal thrust thing also for people who choke and yadayada..More First Aid training these two weeks and then there's the test:S

Took picture for Student ID. Was really quick. Pharmacy dept, had a food fair with performances and all. Was really fun, met lotsa new people cos I was darn hungry and the cafeteria was sooo full. So bought from the food fair. There are really cute guys there! eeks. Seniors some more. I'll get to know them soon:)Then there was the briefing with student representative council and "meeting" with seniors, both which i skipped for movie with Arafat. haha. Didn't wanna get ragged so soon anyway. Soon soon:P

Don't wanna go for orientation tomorrow but I got to cos there's a briefing for my group on the uses of the student ID. Apparently it's really hi-tech or something. I'll see.. First Aid training Session 2 tomorrow. Fun fun. :D Can't wait!!!!

xoxo, elvyna.

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