January 07, 2008

of stitches and donuts.

You know how sometimes you plan so meticulously for something to happen and then something unexpected happens ? Well, that's just what happened to me today. Went to Damansara Specialist Hospital in the afternoon to see the dermatologist regarding my growth. It should've been a short consultation about 10-15 minutes. Then the plan was to go to JCo in Pavillion with Sashi and Dyan. But did it happen? No.

The dermatologist said lots of stuffs of what seem really blur right now. But there was one thing I still remember. Cancer. Did she really say that? Well, she said it MIGHT be. OMG. For all my life up to now, I've only associated cancer with far away relatives, uncles or aunties I don't really know and parents of friends and all. But to think that I might have it? It would never in a million years occur to me. I'm so ignorant with my life. Who knew life was so unpredictable? Well, we'll let fate decide.

So yea, went to see the dermatologist who then referred me over to a surgeon. It all came to a shock to me, really. The surgeon then asked if any of my family members ever had cancer and you know, all the background family tree checks. But no, none of them had it. So I was brought into the operating room. My 1st time. Was put under local anaesthetics at the area. The doctor took out the growth. I've got 4 stitches now. The anaesthetics are fading away so the pain is creeping in. sighs. And yes, he showed me the tumor after removing it. The nurse then put it in the csi-looking-container (gosh, I watch too much CSI) and tagged it to be sent to the laboratories.

So yea, limped to One U after that for Big Apple. Had to settle for it since JCo was pretty far and by the time I was done with the operation and all, it was too late.It's not bad though. Well, at least I still got some donuts at the end of the day. Better go get some rest now. Gotta go unstitch next monday :S scarree. Well, nothing is scarier than waiting for the results from the labs right now. Sighs. Pray for me aite? :(

xoxo, elvyna.

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