October 08, 2011

Sweet serendipity.

It has been the busiest week for me since I started 4th year (which is actually just two weeks ago). I'm physically drained out now that it's Friday and I haven't looked forward to a weekend so badly since...whenever. Started my BMedSc project and have been in the labs doing research and being introduced to protocols and procedures from 9-5pm every single day. It's fun if I'm actually doing something, eg. pipetting, centrifuging tubes, etc. etc, but if I'm just standing around watching, I tend to get bored fast. Like REALLY fast.

Anyways, I start Ophthalmology postings next week so that'll be fun, being out of the labs after being stuck there for a week (How am I gonna survive 20 weeks in the lab?) Being super drained and tired from the week didn't stop me from doing what I love! Baking!! (: YAYY. And I got a little help from my Bruneian neighbour as well, she's hilarious to bake with.

Ahhhhh.....What a great week. Thank You God (:

xoxo, elvyna.

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