July 13, 2009

This post was inspired whilst I was in the shower. weird, i know.

This world is a broken world. Ok. That was random. But yea, just something the guest speaker who came to my church last week said. He also said that if you want perfection, die, as nothing on earth is perfect. I totally agree with this. hmm. So yea, it's been a rather slow paced holiday for me, but amongst my group of friends, many things have happened. It's really a tough thing to face especially when you hang out with the same group of friends in which the scandal and problems are happening :/ Sucks more when you're the middle person.

You know what I think bout everything? It's all a matter of choice. Every single thing you do in life, is based on the choice you make. You choose to get into a relationship. You choose to end it. You choose to love someone. You choose to stop. So when shit happens and things go wrong, who's there to be blamed? YOU. yes, You. *sigh*

I think people nowadays lack sincerity and honesty. We are living in a world where people are so fake and not genuine. I think being genuine is the most important thing. To be real when you talk to people, when you make friends, when you do anything whatsoever. If you put your heart in it, even if it doesn't work out, you know you've given it your best. Why would anyone want to be someone or something they're not? I really don't get that.

And that's why you have marriages which fail, relationships that don't work out because of cheating partners, misunderstandings in friendships. All because we lack sincerity. I don't know what I'm talking about, really. But if it's any worth, I think that all this fakeness should stop. I really want to know people for who they are, the real them. Not the façade they put up just so people will like or accept them. Just be who you are. People will appreciate it, at least I know I will.

I pray God that You'll change this world and make it a better place, but first of all, change me and make me a better friend and person to people around me.

xoxo, elvyna.

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