March 07, 2011


It's a happy day today because:

1) It's finally officially spring and the sun is warm and toasty!
2) I got an A for my Obstetrics and Gynaecology placements at Portsmouth that I've been at for the past 4 weeks.
3) Which means I'm signed off and have all the days of this week free :D
4) Finally found my essay patient today so I can start working on that dreaded essay and hand it in before the deadline.
5) I'm going to sing a duet for SIMS (Southampton International Medics Society) night. (actually this is more nerve-wrecking than happy but I'll just put it in anyhow)
6) It's Pancake day tomorrow in the UK (absolutely no idea what this day is about :/), therefore I'm going to make some pancakes!
7) I have a Polaroid camera that took many pics over the weekend when I was in London :D

xoxo, elvyna.

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