March 30, 2010

angels cry.

Many things over the past couple of weeks reminded me of so much. So much things I've let pass me by, so much happiness I could've experienced, so much in this world I could've tried if only I dared to. But it isn't easy, knowing there's a path I have to take yet knowing I'll regret the one I leave behind. Sometimes I feel so drowned in this dilemma.

Can I not make a choice? Just let things be and let life slowly take its course? Must I make a decision?

I need to start being me again. I need to notice, once again, the colourful things that used to brighten up my day. I need to smile like I truly mean it. I need to move forward. I want to, but, it's just so hard. I just want to get away from all this :(

xoxo, elvyna.

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