May 01, 2008

Iron Man and TGIF

Went to One Utama to watch Ironman yesterday. Been a loooong time since I went to One U, and to think, it used to be my second home. Now it looks like Mid Valley's going to be my second home. It's much closer to hang out with IMU friends there than OU. Though I prefer OU better, obviously. Sighs:(

Anyways, had dinner in TGIF's. Super super full on my Cajun-fried Chicken Salad. Diet what?!?!? And Amos is such a cam-whore. Non stop I tell you. NON-STOP.haha. It was so fun hanging out with Amos, Josh and Lilian. We make a great group :) Super full after eating at Friday's. *burps*
Mac N' Cheese.

Cajun Fried Chicken salad. Super BIG portion lo!Lilian and I :)Joshua being a kid again. He even requested for crayons. *sweat*Lilian ate all our Sunday Fudge when we couldn't finish em. She rocks big time la!!! :P

Watched Ironman at 9pm. I think it's the latest time I've ever caught a movie before. It wasn't that bad except that we had to sit in the first row as there were no more tickets left. Haha. We had all the leg space we wanted but had to endure the neck pain after that. Teehee. The movie was super good, well, at least above my expectations. Robert Downey Jr. wasn't that fit for the movie, (in fact he looked a little fat at times) but nevertheless, when he became ironman, I kept checking his sexy shiny ass out. Haha. Seriously rocks. And Gwyneth has like the sexiest legs in the world. really. Anyways, if you haven't watched the movie, go watch it:) It's a good one.

Yup. That's our outing this week. What's for next week? :P Can't wait!!

xoxo, elvyna.

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