Had a charity event in IMU on Saturday. Children from 3 shelter homes came and gathered in IMU to spend a fun day in. My group was in charge of the fashion show for the kids (note: where kids make their superhero costume to wear and parade). It was a pretty fun day. Super tiring though. The kids were relatively nice so it was easier to deal with them. yup yup.Joshua, SzeYin, Me, Kor Woi.
March 24, 2008
Charities and everything in between
March 17, 2008
How much more colourful can life get?
First, my granny's place got burglar-ised and particularly only MY room. Then, I got a ticket for using the phone while driving (it doesn't count as a ticket if you bribed your way out right?). My conscience is killing me. I can't believe I actually bribed the policeman but I was sooooo scared/shocked/lost/blur/stupid that I agreed when he asked. sighs. And I paid him RM 50. I know i know, that's too much right? How was I to know??? :(
And the burglary one? The person can go die. Ransacked my whole room, and took nothing- i think. Gave me a shock when my grandma called me. I actually cried. I'm exhausted, tired, depressed, and my conscience is banging like a loud drum in my head. Can it get any worse??
xoxo, elvyna.
March 15, 2008
Orientation is finally over. Good or Bad? :S
It's finally over. The whole hassle to practise (& dance till I drop) in the dance studio, the whole preparing of the costumes and props in Amos' house, the whole excitement and exhaustment I get from orientation. It's over. And now, I miss it :( So yea, this whole week, every night there was something for us to do.
Each group had a different theme. Ours was Halloween Horror. We danced Thriller by Michael Jackson. It was sooo good. Really. I'm not self praising. I'll upload the video once I get it as well. Then you'll see. We didnt get QC-ed. (Quality Control) **When your performance is too boring or obscene, the QC team will ring the alarm to warn you, and if it still sucks, they'll stop your performance altogether.** We were group 9 and Group 1-6 all got QC-ed. Scared us to bits.
Neways, it was a fun experience and I made lotsa friends. They're mostly all nice people albeit a few who are erm..not so nice. It's gonna be less fun now with the tons of workload and all coming up now. But yea, this orientation is one I'm DEFINITELY gonna remember for a long long time to come:)
March 11, 2008
Sad Sad Day..
Firstly, Coco ran away. He left his shell behind as well. No goodbye note, nothing. Sighs. And there it is. No more hermit crabs for me. All gone. Coco is one mysterious fella. Till now, no sight of him, and I doubt he can survive without a shell. So I'll probably find him naked and dead
:( Terrible terrible end.
Secondly, I fell down on the tar road in front of IMU yesterday. Was sooo painful. I tripped and fell on my knees. Amos and Wei Phin were with me. It was SO embarassing I tell you. Nothing happened when I got up, but blood starting showing a lil while later. Sighs. Went to Amos' place to get my wounds dressed. He had a first aid box at his place.
Sad right? I can't even walk properly now. Hope it'll heal soon and leave NO scars. Here's a pic...
March 08, 2008
In loving memory of..
Amidst all the happiness, something terrible happened this week which I had no time to blog about. Bobo died. Yes, my hermit crab. He will be remembered by me for a looong time, not forever though. I think he was poisoned. Accidentally by me:( The stoopid papaya la. I totally regret it. No kidding. Anyways, here's the story. I found him 2 days ago out of his shell. I was estatic! I was like Bryan, Bryan, Bobo's out of his shell ready to change into another shell!!Come see come see! Little did I know, my poor crustacean had already passed on. And there you go. The death of my hermit crab. Coco's still alive though. sighs.. Goodbye Bobo. We've had some fun times. **Like when you pinched me using ur claw.** That's him out of his shell-dead. The back part is really soft. Eeew. I mean, what a pity:(
Hope alls well wherever you are .*sobs*
xoxo, elvyna.
Wet Orientation
It's been a busy week for me trying to adapt into my new uni life, but it has been so fun nevertheless. Had my first PBL (problem-based learning) where you discuss medical issues with your group members and all. Was really fun getting to know people there. Most of them are really, I mean REALLY kiasu though. Went for the CF welcoming party and it was so fun. People there are really nice. So yea, on Friday, I was pondering whether or not to join the wet orientation at 6.30pm cos I still havent found my orientation group yet then. And then..
Kei Li helped me find one member from my group and yea, I was reunited. It was really great though they kept thinking I was a spy. They all later believed me. And omg, my group leader is... HAWT! He's in dentistry though. Super cute:) The name's Amos Ignatius. Met him before my first aid test.
Speaking of the stooopid first aid test, it was a bloody con job. There was no First Aid test which is included in 3% of our total assessment. Damned liars. Haha. The "invited invigilator"- a Canadian, put up quite a show sending over 15 students to the "Dean". He even kicked chairs, tore student's papers, etc.. The "test" was later cancelled as he said IMU's etiquette wasn't followed and yadayada. Then all the seniors barged into our exam halls and this revealed the whole lie of the stupid test. The "invigilator" turned out to be a 30+ year old student:S I mean, everyone thought it was for real. I studied and even went to the library and all:S It was in the timetable for heaven's sake! How could we not believe it was real?!
Yes, we all got conned. Dumb juniors**grumbles**. Hahaha. After the "test", I rejoined my group mates and we went over to my group leader's place in the vista next to IMU (yes, the hot one!:P) to discuss group matters and get ready for the wet orientation night. He got me an orientation shirt which was too big for me. Anyhows, it was cool.
And then, the REAL orientation began. I had to learn the cheers of my group in 5 mins before cheer fight, learn everyone's names, learn the theme...that's what happens when you skip the first day of orientation. Then we all had to adjourn to the carpark. It was scary. The seniors turned it into some sort of a maze thing. We had to be an amoeba. With the cell wall, cytoplasm and nucleus. Cell walls had to hold hands and get blindfolded, cytoplasm doesn't get blindfolded and they have to carry one nucleus. It was so cool. So the cytoplasm and nucleus had to direct the cell wall out of the maze with them in it. I was the cell wall. Super fun!!
Then we had to go to different stations to fight with other groups. First station, we had to lie down on the floor which was super-duper wet cos the seniors were spraying water from the hose, buckets and water guns, then we had to pass bottles with water using only our feet. While we were doing this, we would get splashed randomly by the seniors. (Guessed who got splashed like a gazillion times?!) Wet and cold after our first station. Then there was the second station. Something to do with bananas and balls. You don't want to know:) And then the other station, the girls have to stand in this garbage bag filled with God-knows-what. Starch, ink, butter maybe?? Then 2 guys have to carry the girl across. Once you get across, the seniors put icky stuffs on your shirt, face and hair. I seriously don't know what was in the garbage bag. I could see slime once I took my legs out :S
Last station, bucket filled with ice and coins. Find 5 cent coins. All I could really see was 10 cent coins. Haha. It was a really fun orientation in the sense that it was something really new and what I've never done before. EVER. The Singaporean guy was an ass, put soap all over my face and hair. Did I mention he's quite cute too? ;) That's totally not the point:S Anyways...
After being drenched wet and feeling gooey all over, went back to my leader's place and changed. Had no shirt so he gave me one of his.. aaahhhh:D Went for supper after that with the group and some seniors. Chat with most of them but mostly with my leader, we've got like the same taste in music, instruments, hobbies.. It's almost surreal. He's pretty cool. He's from Sabah. I've been meeting a lot of people from other states, Sabah, Sarawak, Perak.. the list goes on and on and on.
Dropped them all back after that and went home. Reached back bout 12.30 am and showered. Texted Amos and then fell asleep. Supposed to have treasure hunt today but I'm not going cos of the voting stuffs and I've gotta fetch relatives to vote and all. Sigh. Wasted. I really wanted to go for treasure hunt:( Anyways, I'm really beginning to HEART IMU. It kinda rocks. Orientation ends next week. Officially, althought lessons start next week too, officially. Haha.
Totally not related:
Oh oh, and I love presents! Don't you? Especially if someone gets you what you always wanted! Estee Lauder Pure White Linen Light Breeze adds itself to my new collection of perfumes. And I didn't even have to buy it:) Life is good:D
P/S # Miraculously, my orientation shirt is much cleaner than I expected it to be. At least there were no maggots involved like how some seniors said there were in theirs. *phew!* ;D
xoxo, elvyna.