July 21, 2011

Confrontations aren't my forte.

Words cannot express what I'm feeling right now.

The overflowing emotions and thoughts, all scattered in my brain like pieces of a puzzle that have already been poured out but haven't been put together yet. How do I even begin putting the puzzle pieces together? I haven't seen the end product before, I don't know how it'll look like- would it be pretty? or would it be ugly? Do I really want to know what the outcome of it is?

Whoever said: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" obviously had no experience in life. Words DO HURT. ALOT. Especially when they're displayed out there for the whole world to see. It feels as if every single word pierces the flesh like a sharp knife, causing me to bleed away but not enough to die yet. That's how I felt reading it.

I felt so ashamed reading it, somehow trying to get my head around the false accusations you were making about me, but I couldn't understand why you did it. When I was reading it, I was concious that probably about 100 other people may have read it/were reading it/were going to read about it, sneering and laughing away as they realize that I was the one you were talking about.

Tell me, how is it "love" if all it brings you is heartbreak and despair? And how is it fair if it is not reciprocated?

All I know is, you shouldn't have fallen in love with me.

Nothing's ever going to be the same again.

xoxo, elvyna.

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