January 12, 2009


menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
bersyukurlah pada Yang kuasa
cinta kita di dunia

~Laskar Pelangi, Niji~

Was brushing my teeth a couple of days back and I saw a bubble fly out of my mouth. It was so cute. It was like rainbow coloured. So pretty! I watched it float in the air and a couple of seconds later, it popped. OK. That was some random stuff but hey, I made a bubble! (ok ok, so maybe all of you did too :/)

Anyways, I just got back from a really nice walk in the park nearby. Walking in the park at night is really different from that in the morning or evening. It's well, more serene at night. With the starless sky, the gentle lapping of the water in the lake, the fishes in the pond. Whoa. It was like the best park walk ever. Perfect setting to emo and relax. Think and be calm. I think I'll be going there more often now when I emo since I've discovered the beauty of it. It doesn't even feel like I'm in Malaysia when I'm there actually. It is THAT amazing.

So yea, Sem 3 has started and it's not easy. Cardiovascular System has so much to take in. It's only been 1.5 weeks and I feel like my brain was fully saturated after the first 3-4 days of lecture. How? sighs. Gotta pray for wisdom and better memory. Help me God :/

Clinic Visit tomorrow at Jinjang. Hope it'll be great and there'll be no angry patients. Oh wells.

xoxo, elvyna.

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