Went to MidValley today to see my dear BFF, Anyi:) She's still the same. Sarcastic, check, Mean, check, Round, double check. Haha. Kidding. I like it when people you were close to never really change. As in they don't change in a bad way or something. And all the people I met in NTU(Rachel, Pui Ee, Yin Mun, Siew Loong) they all still ROCK :P Wish my kor, Andrew was there though. I miss him too! So I just hung out with 'em for a while. Anyi and Rachel are leaving for USA for their work and travel thing this Sunday. Gonna miss them! Pui Ee
s going also but I'm not sure when. Only Yin Mun's left behind. haha:) Left Midvalley went they went to watch Definitely, Maybe. And I'm passing on going to Luna Bar tonight. Feeling so tired with uni and all. hmms...Me, Anyi, Yin Mun, Siew Loong, Rachel, Pui Ee.
And then there was Matthew's birthday yesterday. The surprise really sucked. See?? This is what happens when information regarding time is not passed on properly. It was really messy with whipped cream and all but rather fun I suppose. No comments, really. Ate in Sri Petaling. Taught Sunday School for the first time last Sunday. Was really cool. I love the kids! Teaching kids whose age ranges from 7-8 (Std 1 and 2). Then this really cute boy in my class plucked some flowers for me. Aaah. Such innocence. It was really sincere. I guess I sort of miss sincerity and honesty in my life. Seldom get it nowadays. Sigh. Why am I getting all emo and worked up for? Oh yea, cos I met Anyi today.
April 29, 2008
Unrelated matters.
April 14, 2008
CF Camp
This is gonna be one loooooong post.Don't say I didn't warn you. I went for CF camp on Friday (11/4) till Sunday (13/4). I was really excited bout the whole camp. Anticipating what might turn out of it and all. The IMU bus brought us all there, about 115 ppl if I've not mistaken. Not just from Sem 1, but all the other semesters as well. The bus ride there was super fun, sat next to LiLian (a really nice friend whom I got closer to). Everyone was teling their own lame, erm, jokes? Well, I don't really know what they call it but well, I actually got a headache from being too lame. Like seriously. Unbelieveable right? I know. So we reached Port Dickson at around 6 something 7. We stayed in dorms which were quite cool- could bond and all. Girls had 4 dorms, guys 2.
Was the latest to wake again the next day:) Did morning devotion with group and all then went for the last session. We had to write on stones what Jesus meant to us and all, which i think was really cool. Had a prayer moment and then off to prize giving session. We were surprised we even won anything cos our group leader gave us our very own "water-break" in the canteen while the other groups were playing the games. Haha. We're the most unorganized group one can ever find around. Lastly, the angel-mortals were revealed to each other. My angel was Joshua- whom I kinda already suspected anyways. Roderick thanked God for giving him such a bully-able angel :S RIGHT...
April 09, 2008
IMU Dance Competition 2008
All the stress and worries are finally gone. In a weird kind of way, I don't really want it to end. I'm not sure if it's just the feeling of satisfaction I get from the dance or the people I've bonded with during practise or the whole feeling of having something to look forward to. I just know I'll miss it. ALOT. *sigh* I hope the friends and relationships I've made during this time won't stray away in time to come. It'll be a pity if it does.
xoxo, elvyna.
April 02, 2008
Dance dance dance!
Been soo busy in uni, not cos of lectures but cos of DANCE! Everyday practise, practise, practise. At first it was kinda crazy, with me having thoughts on quitting. But now, the friends I've made, the whole dance routine, everything, I just feel so satisfied with it all. So glad I joined.
It was raining so heavily today (insert: thunderstorms and lightning bolts) I was stranded in uni till 7 pm. Went to the music room, watched Amos drum with some seniors and all. He's really good. Freaking. Before that, was spending the whole afternoon getting acquainted with Esther from my dance group. She's a really nice person. We share so many things in common I felt that it was so easy to tell her anything. Been a really long time since I felt I could let it all out to someone I can trust. And I've barely known her for like, a week or 2? So it's pretty cool. Hmms.
Haven't started studying yet. All the past lectures notes are in a pile. The pile is getting higher by the day. I gotta start soon. Real soon..
IMU Ball. To go or not to go? That is the question.
xoxo, elvyna.