February 01, 2012

It's like wishing for rain in the middle of a desert.

In a blink of an eye, January is gone. We're 1/12 into 2012 but where did all the time go? Time is flying by so quickly it's scary.

Scary knowing in a few months time I would have to be done with lab research and present in front of consultants at the 4th year conference.
Scary knowing that I'll be in my final year of medicine come June.
Scary to even think about graduating as a legit doctor in 2013.


But you know what? Baby steps. It'll all work out in the end, it always does.

xoxo, elvyna.


Sarah Tan said...

such a pretty picture (: did you take it yourself and do the heart-shaped ice? hehe. time flies. it's scary for me too thinking of graduating as a leg pharmacist. and i know so little. but reminding myself it is God who enables me. enables us (:

hello elvy! big big hugs. God bless

elvyna :) said...

Nope. I didnt take the pic sarah. found it online. teehee (:

Yea. it is very very scary thinking that. But thanks for the reminder, that God enables us (: miss u loads sarah! u and dan both! Big hugs xx