August 03, 2010

Nothing on earth is as beautiful as You.

From today onwards, I'm trying to learn to stop complaining about what I don't have in life and be thankful for what I've got. A close friend reminded me to always look at the bright side of things. Simple thought, but makes a whole lot of difference. Open my eyes Lord. To the beauty of this world, to the blessings You've poured and given me in my life. Blessings I don't and never will deserve. Blessings given only by Your grace.

I've got to stop focusing on myself and start focusing on things that matter more. God. Friends. Family. I want to touch lives around me. Although I may hurt at times, suffer in pain from what life throws at me, there's nothing strong enough that I can't get over. Not with Him on my side. Not with Him comforting me along the way. Not with His love. His love that surpasses everything I know. So learn to trust in Him again. Surrender it all. To Him. There's nothing I can achieve on my own. I pray I become a stronger person. I pray I appreciate everything I've been given in this life and not take anything for granted.

You captured my heart with this love.

He did. He really did.

xoxo, elvyna.

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