March 17, 2008

How much more colourful can life get?

First, my granny's place got burglar-ised and particularly only MY room. Then, I got a ticket for using the phone while driving (it doesn't count as a ticket if you bribed your way out right?). My conscience is killing me. I can't believe I actually bribed the policeman but I was sooooo scared/shocked/lost/blur/stupid that I agreed when he asked. sighs. And I paid him RM 50. I know i know, that's too much right? How was I to know??? :(

And the burglary one? The person can go die. Ransacked my whole room, and took nothing- i think. Gave me a shock when my grandma called me. I actually cried. I'm exhausted, tired, depressed, and my conscience is banging like a loud drum in my head. Can it get any worse??

xoxo, elvyna.

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